Academic Credentials
  • M.P.H., Public Health, University of Wisconsin, Milwaukee, 2021
  • B.S., Psychology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, 2019
Professional Affiliations
  • Northern California American Industrial Hygiene Association (AIHA) member

Mr. Philip Pape is an environmental health scientist who specializes in human health risk assessment, environmental exposure assessment, industrial hygiene, and environmental epidemiology. His master's thesis focused on assessing links between climate change-induced extreme heat events, heat-related illness, and disproportional impacts experienced by low-SES communities in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. 

Mr. Pape has extensive experience with conducting chemical and physical agent exposure assessments; systematic literature reviews; qualitative and quantitative analysis; data visualization using ArcGIS Pro and online software; and has a medical background that includes working in primary care clinic settings.

Mr. Pape received his M.P.H. in Environmental Health Sciences from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Zilber School of Public Health. He received his B.S. in Psychology from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and was heavily involved with mental health outreach initiatives that include the Green Bandana Project, a national mental health awareness campaign that has been deployed at over 40 different college campuses.