
Consumer Product Manufacturing Regulations & Risks on the Horizon

Exponent Presents at Global Crisis Management Summit Americas

February 7 - 9, 2024
Manufacturing Process Control & Quality Insurance [DS]

The regulatory landscape in consumer product manufacturing — whether in the automotive or cosmetics industries — is undergoing significant change. Regulations are shifting quickly in response to a number of factors — from technological advances to safety concerns to market demands. Business leaders who understand where things are headed will be poised to succeed in a rapidly approaching future. 

At the Global Crisis Management Summit Americas, you'll gain new insights on industry regulations, technological advances, and organizational risks on the horizon, and learn what you can do to prepare now. Exponent's speakers from our Chemical Regulation & Food SafetyHuman Factors, and Vehicle Engineering practices will present critical updates and information. Learn more and register below.

Factory Auditing & Assembly Line Evaluations​ [ME]

"Best Practices for Mitigating Flame Propagation in Consumer Products"

FRIDAY, FEB. 9 | 8:30 A.M. EST

Speakers: Chris Monk, Ph.D., Senior Managing Scientist, Human Factors, and Sean Scally, Senior Associate, Vehicle Engineering

Automotive technology is evolving faster than the regulations that govern it — but that doesn't mean they're far behind. This presentation will provide a broad look at how various technologies are penetrating the automotive market, how regulatory agencies like NHTSA are responding, and where, based on Exponent's experience, we see public agency rulings headed next.

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Testing cream in a glass dish

"Cosmetic Risk Revolution: The Impact of the US Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022"

FRIDAY, FEB. 9 | 11:30 A.M. EST

Speakers: Taryn Horr, CCFS, Managing Scientist, Chemical Regulation & Food Safety, and Christine Thiffault, Ph.D., ERT, DABT, Managing Scientist, Chemical Regulation & Food Safety

The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act of 2022 is the first significant change in U.S. cosmetic regulation since the 1938 Food Drug and Cosmetic Act. In this presentation, Exponent's Chemical Regulation & Food Safety experts will discuss areas of the act that mandate substantial changes for any brand selling in the U.S. cosmetics marketplace.

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