Mining & Forestry

Extract Value, Preserve Safety

Transform and Thrive in a Rapidly Changing Mining and Forestry Landscape

The global economy is demanding ever more resources — and new technologies are changing how we access them. How can mining and forestry companies adapt? Exponent helps you achieve safe, reliable, and sustainable exploration, development, production, and restoration.

Large dump trucks hauling raw material from a surface mine. Exponent helps maximize efficiency and safety of surface mining.

Surface Mining

From high-wall engineering to value estimation, we help surface mines optimize their activities and minimize their impact.

The inside of a coal mine, a brightly lit tunnel with a wooden pathway. Expertise to improve efficiency and safety of forestry and mining.

Subterranean Mining

From assessments of tunnel stability to long-term worker air quality effects, we apply science to safety.

An aerial view of a winding forest road. Exponent helps stakeholders in forestry improve sustainability and safety.


From helping prevent accidents to preserving biodiversity, we guide forestry with fact-based data.

How We Help Clients

Exponent brings 50+ years of unrivaled experience and data-based insights to your most pressing technical and regulatory challenges.


Our Capabilities Are Unparalleled

Across decades of work with the mining industry, we've developed specialized capabilities to address the most vital challenges. And we thrive on innovating new ways to help.

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