Environmental Permitting

Beautiful natural landscape with boulders, a lake and trees. Exponent helps with environmental permitting.

Overcome complex environmental permitting challenges

Whether expanding wind farm operations or handling hazardous wastes, environmental permitting and compliance presents numerous challenges. Exponent's environmental consultants provide extensive support for compliance with local, state, and federal requirements.

When you need to evaluate environmental permitting requirements and regulatory frameworks or obtain new permits, how can Exponent's multidisciplinary teams help you chart the best path forward?

Exponent provides evidence-based insights to support permitting actions. Our multidisciplinary team of environmental and ecological scientists evaluates environmental requirements, assists with data gathering and evaluation, validates data usability and compliance, completes environmental assessments, and conducts modeling and analyses. When facing disputes or investigation by state, local, or federal agencies, Exponent's team of experts evaluates your environmental permitting and compliance and provides expert opinion and testimony.


Our environmental permitting specialists have extensive experience helping clients meet local, state, and federal environmental regulations and secure permits for a range of applications.

Our Capabilities Are Unparalleled

With expertise in over 90 disciplines and hundreds of capabilities, tools, and methodologies — we get to the root of even the most complex challenges and give you the objective answers you need.


Our global and comprehensive expertise across industries gives us a deep understanding of current challenges, best industry practices, and the implications of emerging technologies.