
Optimizing Microneedle Array Design for Drug Delivery

Exponent Presents at Microneedle & Intradermal Delivery Forum

September 18 - 19, 2023
Finite Element Analysis of Skin Deformation and Puncture for Full Microneedle Arrays graphic

While previous microneedle medical device studies have focused on buckling and failure, they've provided little insight into skin deformation, puncture, and the final positioning of needle tips — leaving many questions unanswered for optimal microneedle array design.

At the 2023 Microneedle & Intradermal Delivery Forum, Exponent Biomedical Engineering & Sciences Senior Managing Engineer Scott Lovald, Ph.D., M.B.A., P.E., will present findings from his study aiming to develop a numerical approach capable of evaluating deformation and puncture conditions to improve full microneedle array design. Learn more and register below.

Close up of microneedle array drug delivery medical device.

"Leveraging Finite Element Analysis to Optimize Microneedle Array Design for Drug Delivery"

MONDAY, SEPT. 18 | 4:10 P.M. EDT

Speaker: Scott Lovald, Ph.D., M.B.A., P.E.

This presentation will discuss the implementation of a computational model capable of evaluating deformation and puncture conditions for single microneedles and array designs. The analysis approach uses single needle computational models to optimize needle design parameters and full array models to evaluate array parameters such as needle spacing. A design framework is developed, allowing evaluation of different design variables (e.g., needle shape, material, spacing) with respect to outputs relevant to successful microneedle performance. Results from the model include skin deformation, force to puncture, penetration depth, and the punctured state at each microneedle tip. In addition to microneedle parameters, patient parameters such as subcutaneous tissue thickness are included to evaluate the sensitivity of different microneedle designs to expected patient and anatomical region variability.

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