
Electronics & Medical Product Design: New CAE Modeling Approaches

Exponent Presents at 19th Annual Conference on CAE Engineering and Digital Simulation in Xiamen, China

August 18 - 20, 2023
Exponent employs Finite Element Analysis, FEA, to analyze medical devices.

What advanced computer-aided engineering (CAE) modeling strategies can electronics and medical product manufacturers incorporate into their design and engineering testing processes to improve safety and take their products to the next level?

At the 19th Annual Conference on CAE Engineering and Digital Simulation in Xiamen, China, Exponent Mechanical Engineer Yuhui Tu will present cutting-edge finite element modeling approaches for failure analysis focusing on electronics and medical products. Learn more about our expert's presentation below and explore our Shanghai office's extensive capabilities here.


"Novel Insight into Finite Element Modeling for Failure Analysis and Engineering Solution"


Speaker: Yuhui Tu

This presentation introduces finite element modeling applications in industrial failure analysis and engineering problem solving, emphasizing highly integrated electronics and quality control of medical products. Specifically, this talk will explore a nanoindentation approach to accurately characterize the properties of ultra-thin film or coating in electronics and a micromechanical model for evaluating the fatigue cracking in cardiovascular stents. The two modeling solutions can be used as a reference for mechanical properties evaluation (strength, hardness, and fatigue life), which in turn, support material design and process optimization. Further insights into advanced modeling strategies will be discussed from a design- and manufacturing-focused perspective.

Register for the event

"In stents and other medical devices, the highest stresses/strains developed in the device occur when crimping the device onto the catheter and tracking it through the vasculature." Read more.


Be at the forefront of CAE modeling and finite element analysis techniques for electronics, medical devices, and more at the three-day CAE engineering and digital simulation conference.

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When facing formidable technical challenges, turn to Exponent for rigorous failure analysis, risk assessments, and auditing of mechanical systems in every industry.