
Engineering Consulting for Power Construction Projects & Claims

American Bar Association Forum on Construction Law Midwinter Meeting

January 25 - 26, 2024
Solar panels in a park among trees and other greenery during sunset

With clean energy construction and megaprojects on the rise in the U.S., complex power construction projects demand multidisciplinary expertise to help navigate a range of issues when disputes arise. In this challenging and changing landscape, experienced construction engineering and failure analysis insights are critical for attorneys involved in power projects. 

At the American Bar Association Forum on Construction Law's 2024 Midwinter Meeting, connect with Exponent's Buildings & Structures experts Cliff Bishop and Nathan Mayercsik to explore how our extensive construction consulting services can support your work. Learn more and register below.

Engineers checking windmills

Connect with Exponent's Power Projects & Construction Claims Consultants

JAN. 25-26, 2024

Cliff Bishop, Ph.D., S.E., P.E., Principal Engineer, Buildings & Structures

"As a licensed professional and structural engineer, Dr. Cliff D. Bishop specializes in the holistic evaluation of building and bridge structures ..."

Nathan Mayercsik, Ph.D., P.E., Managing Engineer, Buildings & Structures

"Dr. Mayercsik is a consultant in the Buildings & Structures practice for issues related to the design, construction, and performance of various constructed improvements in residential, commercial, and public spaces ..."

Register for the event