
Underground Gas Storage Regulatory Considerations: A Guide for State Regulatory Agencies

The States First Underground Natural Gas Storage Regulatory Considerations Guide

May 11, 2017

Dr. Brun Hilbert, Principal Engineer in Exponent's Mechanical Engineering practice, recently co-authored a chapter in The States First Underground Natural Gas Storage Regulatory Considerations Guide. Dr. Hilbert's chapter is titled, "Reservoir Integrity."

The report, authored by the Natural Gas Storage Work Group, is on underground gas storage, and it evaluates potential vulnerabilities at gas storage operations and identifies prospective regulatory responses for consideration by state and federal agencies. The report serves as a resource for regulatory agencies and includes input from experts in academia, industry, non-profit organizations, and other state and federal agencies. It addresses the regulatory framework of underground gas storage, risk management, state permitting, well drilling and construction, well integrity, reservoir integrity, monitoring, and emergency response planning among other topics. The report evaluates potential vulnerabilities at gas storage operations and identifies prospective regulatory responses for consideration by state and federal agencies.

Read more and download the report here.