Testing & Evaluations

Centers for Scientific User Research (CSUR)

Exponent's Centers for Scientific User Research is used to test user experience and human behaviors.

Shape product development with state-of-the art UX research

Our Centers for Scientific User Research (CSUR) feature state-of-the-art testing, versatile lab space, and pioneering technology devoted to user experience data collection and analysis. At our CSUR labs, Exponent scientists conduct user experience and human factors research across the entire lifecycle of consumer, industrial, medical device, and automotive products.

How does Exponent's scientific user research and testing provide breakthrough insights?

Our user experience (UX) research, strategy, and consulting services are designed to give you the insights you need to make sound, data-driven product or process design decisions. We can help you increase safety, improve customer satisfaction, satisfy regulatory requirements, reduce failures, lower costs, mitigate liability, and more.

Whether you're designing consumer electronics, medical devices, automotive products, or virtually any other kind of product, process, or system, we can accommodate your research needs.


Our services

Our Centers for User Research are deeply connected to testing and evaluations laboratories across Exponent's North America locations. They feature a broad range of configurable spaces, from traditional A/B testing and focus group rooms to more specialized research labs that enable us to collect and analyze data across a wide range of test subjects and testing methodologies. The locations of our facilities provide ample opportunities to recruit representative participants.

Our Capabilities Are Unparalleled

With expertise in over 90 disciplines and hundreds of capabilities, tools, and methodologies — we get to the root of even the most complex challenges and give you the objective answers you need.

A man consults with an automotive tester
Scientific User Research

Inform Your UX Decisions With Science

Our Exponent user experience (UX) teams design safe, successful product experiences rooted in a deep understanding of your audiences. While we can tackle virtually any UX challenge, we offer particular expertise in automotive products, consumer products, industrial equipment, and medical devices.

Learn more about Exponent UX