- M.Sc., Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems, Universitat Politècnica de València, 2018
- B.Sc., Molecular biology, Vilnius University, 2013
- EMJMD student scholarship years 2016-2018
- French (France)
- Lithuanian
Ms. Urbonaite works in the Chemical Regulation and Food Safety practice as a residue and consumer risk specialist. She prepares pesticide product and active substance dossiers for national, EU and global (JMPR) submissions, including data preparation in MSS Composer software and IUCLID submissions.
Prior to joining Exponent, Ms. Urbonaite worked as a Regulatory Specialist at a global CRO where her role included supporting the crop protection chemicals team by preparing the residue sections of dossiers for EU submissions. Ms. Urbonaite also has experience in compiling IUCLID dossiers for EU REACH and GB REACH submissions, and providing regulatory advice to clients, including post-submission support and only representation.
Ms. Urbonaite holds a Masters degree in Plant Health in Sustainable Cropping Systems, awarded jointly from Universitat Politècnica de València and Montpellier SupAgro, Agrocampus Ouest, AgroParisTech. Her studies culminated in research into the screening of microbial strains as potential biological control agents with biopesticidal activity against crop fungal diseases.
Before moving into Regulatory Affairs, she was involved in plant pathogenic bacteria research and has worked in Quality Control in the biotechnology industry.