Molina LK, Small GH, Neptune RR. The influence of step width on balance control and response strategies during perturbed walking in healthy young adults. Journal of Biomechanics 2023; 157:111731.
Small GH, Molina LK, Neptune RR. The influence of altered foot placement and cognitive load on balance control during walking in healthy young adults. Gait & posture 2023; 103:37 — 43.
Lewallen LK, Srivastava S, Kautz SA, Neptune RR. Assessment of Turning Performance and Muscle Coordination in Individuals Post-Stroke. Journal of Biomechanics 2021; 114:110113
Molina LK, Neptune RR. The influence of step width on individual muscle contributions to frontal plane balance control. Thematic Poster Presentation, 47th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Molina LK, Small GH, Neptune RR. The influence of step width on balance response strategies during perturbed walking. Poster Presentation, 47th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Mohasel M, Molina LK¸ Wurdeman SR, Neptune RR, Pew CA. Development of an automated framework for a TinyML-based fall detection system. Poster presentation, 47th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Knoxville, TN, 2023.
Lewallen LK, Small GH, Neptune RR. The influence of step width on frontal plane balance control following mediolateral perturbations during healthy walking. Poster presentation, North American Congress on Biomechanics, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2022.
Lewallen LK, Small GH, Neptune RR. The influence of mediolateral perturbation timing on frontal plane balance control during healthy walking. Podium presentation, 9th World Congress of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022.
Lewallen LK, Pew CA, Wurdeman SR, Neptune RR. Detection of different fall types in healthy young adults. Poster presentation, ME Graduate Student Poster Session, Austin, TX, 2022.
Small GH, Lewallen LK, Neptune RR. The effect of dual-tasks on frontal plane balance control while walking with altered step lengths. Podium presentation, 9th World Congress of Biomechanics, Taipei, Taiwan, 2022.
Mohasel M, Lewallen LK¸ Wurdeman SR, Neptune RR, Pew CA. A Machine Learning Scheme to Identify Falling for Lower Limb Amputees. Poster presentation, North American Congress on Biomechanics, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2022.
Small GH, Lewallen LK, Neptune RR. The effect of dual-tasks on cognitive performance and balance control during walking with altered step widths. Podium presentation, North American Congress on Biomechanics, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2022.
Lewallen LK, Pew CA, Wurdeman SR, Neptune RR. Detection of different fall types in healthy young adults. Podium presentation, 45th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2021.
Lewallen LK, Pew CA, Wurdeman SR, Neptune RR. Detection of different fall types in healthy young adults. Poster presentation, CARE Research Day, Austin, TX, 2021.
Lewallen LK, Kautz SA, Neptune RR. Assessment of turning performance and coordination in individuals post-stroke. Poster presentation, ME Graduate Student Poster Session, Austin, TX, 2021.
Lewallen LK, Kautz SA, Neptune RR. Assessment of turning performance and coordination in individuals post-stroke. Poster presentation & 3-minute thesis competition, 44th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics, Atlanta, GA, 2020.
Lewallen LK, Kautz SA, Neptune RR. Assessment of turning performance and coordination in individuals post-stroke. Poster presentation, ME Graduate Student Poster Session, Austin, TX, 2020.
Lewallen LK, Kautz SA, Neptune RR. Assessment of turning performance and coordination in individuals post-stroke. Poster presentation, Graduate and Industry Networking Poster Session, Austin, TX, 2020.
Ghonasgi K, Lewallen LK*, Pew CA, Klute GK, Deshpande AD, Neptune RR. Optimization of a Variable Stiffness Transverse Adaptor. Poster presentation, CARE Research Day, Austin, TX, 2019. (*contributed equally to this study)