September 26, 2017
Dr. Ali Reza, Principal Engineer in Exponent's Thermal Sciences practice, is a member of the Symposium Organizing Committee for the 4th Symposium on Asset Integrity. The symposium will be held during the International Society of Offshore and Polar Engineers (ISOPE) 28th Annual International Ocean and Polar Engineering Conference June 10 — 15, 2018 in Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
The purpose of this symposium is to discuss the challenges and share the state-of-the-art knowledge in surveillance and integrity management for the energy and marine industry. This symposium will cover all aspects of science, technology, and applications related to monitoring, inspection, rehabilitation, and leak detection methodologies.
The organizing committee cordially invites scientists and engineers from academia, industry, and regulatory authorities to share their latest advancements. Abstracts are due October 20, 2017.