- Doctorate, Natural Science, Technische Universität München (TUM), 2000
Dr. Krainz provides consultancy expertise in the dietary exposure of chemicals, especially crop protection chemicals. He specialises in the production of dietary exposure dossiers for the authorisation of agrochemical active substances and registration of crop protection products in the European community and for CODEX MRL submissions to the Joint Meeting on Pesticide Residues (JMPR).
Dr Krainz provides expert advice to client companies, assisting with questions such as study design and planning through to addressing specific requirements of regulatory authorities. Dr. Krainz also plans, places and monitors residues and related studies on behalf of clients.
Within his position at Exponent Ltd, Dr. Krainz has obtained broad experience in the preparation of residue sections of dossiers for the registration of agrochemical products, study monitoring, and technical advice in the area of residue analytical procedures. This knowledge is supported by a wide ranging residue analytical background obtained over a 9 year period as Study Director for residue analysis at a leading and global acting Contract Research Organisation. The coordination and conduct of studies following regulations of good laboratory practice within the scope of the submission procedure of agrochemicals was part of his duties, as well as the organisation and supervision of laboratories and the management and training of laboratory staff. In this role he gained extensive experience of studies in the field of method development and validation, residue analysis accompanying residue field trials, operator exposure studies and animal feeding studies.
Dr. Krainz also has significant experience of residue analytical data interpretation and scientific report compilation for registration of plant protection products under Regulation (EC) no. 1107/2009 and directive 91/414/EEC, respectively.