How do Exponent's expertise and comprehensive support services assist leaders within the wind energy industry?
Wind energy is a critical renewable resource in the U.S. and across the globe. Exponent has led the wind energy consulting industry since the mid-1980s and remains one of the most established and experienced consulting firms providing expertise in the areas of energy generation, remaining-life assessments, and failure investigations of all wind energy components and systems.
Our multidisciplinary teams provide scientific and engineering analysis and investigation offering full-lifecycle support in wind power projects, including project feasibility, site selection and evaluation, permitting and construction, long-term maintenance, monitoring and troubleshooting, repair assessment, and root-cause analysis when failures occur.
We provide a comprehensive analysis of mechanical subsystems and components, including bearings, brakes, controls, electronics, gearboxes, generators, hydraulics, instrumentation, rotating machinery, and rotor blades, as well as support emerging technologies within the wind energy industry.
Professional affiliations
- American Wind Energy Association
- Wind Standards Committee Member
- Underwriters Laboratories Standards Technical Panel (STP) for UL 6141, Wind Turbine Generating Systems — Large
- Underwriters Laboratories Standards Technical Panel (STP) for UL 6142, Wind Turbine Generating Systems — Small
- VGB Powertech Expert group: "Onshore wind energy"
For 50+ years, we’ve thrived on solving unstructured problems that require bespoke solutions. Some of our services include:
• Construction consultation
• Engineering evaluations
• Environmental, social, and public health impact and risk management capability, including EMF, acoustics, and aesthetics
• Expert testimony at wind farm permit hearings
• Failure and root-cause analysis, including fire investigations
• Feasibility analyses
• Long-term maintenance plans
• Material risk assessments and failure analysis of composites, metals, and plastics
• Monitoring and troubleshooting
• Natural hazard risk assessment
• Permitting, including health and environmental issues
• Site selection (including geotechnical assessments), and wind resource assessments based on large-scale data harvesting and numerical modeling
• Testing programs assessments
• Remaining-life assessments
• Repair assessment
• Risk, reliability, and vulnerability analyses
• Rotor aerodynamics analysis, rotor blade failure analysis and repair consultation, rotor blade and tower structural analysis and structural integrity assessment
Our global and comprehensive expertise across industries gives us a deep understanding of current challenges, best industry practices, and the implications of emerging technologies.

Corporate Vice President and Principal Engineer
