How can we help you understand your process plant limits and optimize your capabilities?
Exponent engineers leverage more than 50 years of experience in industrial, chemical, oil, and gas facilities investigations to help clients perform root cause analysis, understand the limits and optimal capabilities of their process plants, and prevent chemical and industrial process accidents. Our experience spans small equipment failures to investigating the catastrophic loss of entire production facilities.
Exponent's services span the elements of process safety management and the lifecycle of an industrial facility, including process design, construction, operation, maintenance, and facility decommissioning.
Exponent is a corporate member company of the Center for Chemical Process Safety, and our experts participate as chairs and committee members on many industrial standards and guidance organizations that plant operators consult for process safety guidance, including:
- The American Institute of Chemical Engineers
- The National Fire Protection Association
- The American Society of Mechanical Engineers
- ASTM International
- The American Petroleum Institute
- The International Organization for Standardization
- The Hydraulic Institute
For 50+ years, we’ve thrived on solving unstructured problems that require bespoke solutions. Some of our services include:
• Accident and incident investigation
• Origin and cause investigations
• Root cause analysis
• Design review and feasibility studies
• Process hazard analysis (failure mode and effects analysis, fault tree analysis, hazard and operability studies, layer of protection analysis, etc.)
• Process data analysis, fault detection, and fault diagnosis
• Risk assessment, quantitative/probabilistic risk analysis, fire and explosion risk analysis, consequence analysis, hot work safety analysis
• Site security and vulnerability analysis
• Asset integrity of rotating and static equipment
• Process safety management program consulting
• Plant performance reviews
• Process economics
• Process dynamics and control system analysis
• Heat exchanger analysis and more
Our global and comprehensive expertise across industries gives us a deep understanding of current challenges, best industry practices, and the implications of emerging technologies.

Corporate Vice President and Principal Engineer
